India Here’s What’s New on Google

Here’s What’s New on Google

New features of GoogleCollection which is a Pinterest like Feature on Google+

The addition of a new feature called Collections by Google+ to its social media network has similar features like social network Pinterest, which offers its own online bulletin board.

According to CNET, Google+ offers new features to share and organise pictures, articles and other content which are related to a particular topic, like food, movies etc. As Google is facing a tough competition from Facebook and even from younger competitors like Snapchat, it is being observed that the company is trying to revive its plagued social network.

Google+ said in a post on its Google+ page, “Today we are announcing Google+ Collections, a new way to group your posts by topic.” It also said,” Every collection is a focussed set of posts on a particular topic, providing an easy way for you to organise all the things you are into. Each collection can be shared publicly, privately or with a custom set of people. Once you create your first collection, your profile will display a new tab where other people can find and follow your collection.”

Presently, the Collection’s features are available on the web and on devices running Android and can be found on the left side of the Google+ page in the dropdown tab.

According to Google, this new feature can also be available on Apple’s iPhones and iPads later.

Pre – Registration for Apps on Google Play Store

It is our general practice that we forget about the release date for games or apps even though we come across their ads very often. Now Google Play has solved this problem as they will now let us pre-register for upcoming Android apps with its new features.

Terminator Genesis: Revolution, which is based on the latest film of the Terminator franchise, will be the first app to have the privilege and benefits of this new feature.

At the time of registration, you do not have to pay anything. Once the app is ready, then you have to pay if it is not free to download. The users will get the notification about the actual release date of the apps. This will not only be useful for the users but also for the app developers as they can generate interest about the apps before they are released.

It is not mandatory that you have to buy or even download the apps even if you have already pre – registered. You can always un-register anytime if you change your mind.

This new effort and initiative from Google will not only help the consumers who will not worry anymore for missing out the launch date of the new apps but will also be beneficial for the app publishers also. The publishers can have a clear idea about the level of interest regarding the apps among the users prior to their release.

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