Nagpur Weather

The Nagpur weather is quite dry with little or no humidity in the atmosphere. This dryness in the weather of Nagpur is owing to the location of the city. It is situated at the central region of the part of India called the peninsular region of the country. Therefore, the sea is situated far away from the city. The relative humidity is only 60 percent.

The main seasons associated with Nagpur weather that are experienced by the people of Nagpur are winter, summer and rainy season. The summer time generally starts from the beginning of the month of February and ends in the month of May. The winter months at this city are October, November, December and January. The monsoon season spans between the months of June and September.

The months of summer are warm enough, while the winter months are quite cold. The temperature of the city during summer time may go up to 45 degree Celsius. The weather at Nagpur is quite harsh at this time with little or no winds flowing across the city. In the winter months, the average temperature may be less than 15 degree Celsius. For a very small number of days the temperature goes down below 12 degree Celsius.

The maximum temperature recorded till date in Nagpur is 47.8 degree Celsius. The minimum temperature recorded at this place is 3.9 degree Celsius.

The conditions of weather in Nagpur are the most pleasant during the time period between the months of November and January. Therefore, this is the most ideal time of the year to visit Nagpur, which is a popular tourist destination in India.

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