6 Best Natural Makeup Removers

6. Honey and Baking Soda

Honey and Baking Soda
Honey and Baking Soda

The combination of honey and baking soda is a magnificent homemade makeup remover. Honey is good for moisturising the skin and contain anti-bacterial properties. It helps in sloughing away the dead skin cells and fights acne. Baking soda is good for cleansing and possesses antiseptic properties. The combination of these two ingredients works as an amazing exfoliator for the skin.

How to use:

Take 1 spoon honey and 1 spoon baking soda. Mix them together in a proper way. Use a few droplets of water if required. Take a cotton ball and gently remove the makeup. Wash your skin once the makeup is removed. You can scrub lightly in order to remove the dead skin cells.

So, ditch the toxins and get flawless skin.

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