Bollywood Bollywood Movies That are Based on Books

Bollywood Movies That are Based on Books

7 Khoon Maaf – Susanna’s Seven Husbands

7 Khoon Maaf

Love is all rainbows and sunshine. But it is also closely linked with death. And, 7 Khoon Maaf will show you exactly how. ‘Till death do us apart’ is the motto of the protagonist Susanna. But if her husband’s flaws become too much to bear for this seductive lass, she makes sure he meets death all on her own. So in her head, only death did them apart and nothing else. She’s a woman of her words and mottos, after all. In her search for true love, she moves from one husband to another leaving behind a trail of dead bodies. Hopeless romantic at day and a black widow at night – wickedly adorable.

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