Employment Hot Careers That Will Flourish in 2019 And Beyond

Hot Careers That Will Flourish in 2019 And Beyond

2. Software Engineer

This is one of the highest paying jobs in India. Although at entry levels, you might not get your dream package, but slowly as you progress in this line and become more sound, there lies a great number of opportunities in terms of a grabbing a good package. Your starting could be from 3.5 lpa but it’s only an upward journey from there. And, if you get a management degree alongside your regular engineer degree, you can advance to the role of manager and make your paycheck even fatter. Besides the money talk, there’s so much learning in this field and oh, the pride in associating yourself from the tech field! Moreover, this is the times of software and advancement in the digital sphere. So, this career line is here to stay and only going to bloom in the coming times.


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