Blog Seven Stretches To Start Your Day With A Burst Of Energy

Seven Stretches To Start Your Day With A Burst Of Energy

Adding a morning stretching exercise to your daily routine can improve mood, increase blood flow, and promote flexibility.

What better way to start the day than with a rush of energy from energising stretches? Mornings set the tone for the rest of the day. Adding a morning stretching exercise to your daily routine can improve mood, increase blood flow, and promote flexibility.

Seven stretches to start your day with a burst of energy

  • Child’s Pose

Sit back on your heels while kneeling, then extend your arms in front of you. Let the earth touch your forehead. This calming stretch extends the hips, lengthens the spine, and encourages relaxation.

  • Standing Side Stretch

Stand tall with your feet close together and perform a side stretch. Clasping your hands together, extend your arms overhead. Feel the stretch along the opposite side of your body as you lean to one side. After a few breaths of holding, switch sides. This stretch encourages deep breathing while opening up the sides.

  • Leg Swings

Swing one leg forward and backward while holding onto a firm surface for support. Then, switch to the other leg. This vigorous exercise warms up the hip joints and increases blood flow.

  • Cat-Cow Stretch

Starting on your hands and knees, place your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips for the Cat-Cow Stretch. For the “cow” pose, inhale as you raise your tailbone and arch your back; for the “cat” stance, exhale as you round your spine and tuck your chin into your chest. 5–10 rounds of this flow should be repeated while breathing in time with the motion.

  • Forward Fold with Shoulder Opener

Standing with your feet hip-width apart, fold forward at your hips in the second position. Interlace your fingers behind your back while letting your upper body hang. Keep your spine long and gently raise your arms overhead. This stretch relieves stress in the hamstrings and shoulders.

  • Spinal Twist

Lie on your back with your arms to the sides for the spinal twist exercise. With the other hand, gently move one leg across your body as you bring it up to your chest. Your head should be turned the other way. This twist increases spinal mobility and relieves spinal strain.

  • Hip Flexor Stretch

Lunge position with one foot forward and the other foot extended back to perform a hip flexor stretch. Feel the stretch at the front of the extended leg’s hip as you sink into the lunge. Change sides. Long periods of sitting can cause tight hip flexors, which this stretch helps to relieve.

  • Neck stretches

Tilt your head gently to one side, bringing your ear near your shoulder. After a few breaths of holding, switch sides. Then, tilt your head to one side and bring your chin to your chest. These stretches relieve stress in the shoulders and neck.

  • Hamstring Stretch

To stretch your hamstrings, sit on the ground with your legs in front of you. Keep your spine straight as you reach for your toes while hinging at your hips. Your thighs should stretch in the back. This stretch improves the hamstrings’ flexibility.

  • Standing Quad Stretch

Stand on one leg and bend the other behind you while holding onto your ankle to perform a standing quad stretch. Feel the time in your front thigh as you slowly pull your ankle towards your glutes. Change legs. This balance-enhancing stretch works the quadriceps.

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