India Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits for Skincare, Haircare, Weight Loss, and Healthcare

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits for Skincare, Haircare, Weight Loss, and Healthcare

Apple cider vinegar

सेब का सिरका – स्किनकेयर, हेयरकेयर, वजन घटाने और हेल्थकेयर में लाभदायक

People often tend to go for chemical-based products to treat skin, hair, and health-related problems despite having a wide range of natural remedies at hand. Apple cider vinegar is one such natural remedy. It is a common saying ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’. The same phrase is applicable to the apple cider vinegar as well. It is a vinegar made by fermenting the apple cider to develop healthy bacteria and enzymes which promote a healthy body. Just like the coconut oil and tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar has attained a mainstream prominence as a magical ingredient in the wide range of beauty products, tonics, and vitamin supplements available in the market. Adding apple cider vinegar to your daily regime will not only promote a healthy life but also a healthy living.

Below are the reasons which clearly state that the apple cider vinegar is much more than just being kitchen staple-

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits for Skincare

1. Treats acne: The antibacterial and antifungal properties of the apple cider vinegar help in treating acne and pimples. This vinegar contains lactic acid, citric acid, acetic acid, and succinic acid which restricts the growth of the bacteria causing acne. The apple cider vinegar also helps in keeping the skin pores dust and oil free.
How to use: Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and water each in a bowl. Apply this solution on the acne with a cotton swab. Wash your face after 10 minutes with lukewarm water. Repeat this process 3-4 times daily for better results.

2. Cures sunburns: Apple cider vinegar is a wonderful remedy to cure sunburns. It helps in soothing the pain and triggers the healing process.
How to use: Add 1-2 cups of apple cider vinegar along with one-fourth cup of coconut oil to your bathing water. This will restore the pH levels of your skin and your skin will feel refreshed and calm.

3. Use as a skin toner: Apple cider vinegar is an amazing remedy for people with oily skin. It has astringent properties in it, which accelerate the blood flow of the skin and help in minimizing the skin pores. This vinegar will also keep your skin’s pH levels regulated.
How to use: Combine 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and water in a bowl. Apply this solution on the skin with a cotton swab. After 10-15 minutes, wash it with cold water.

4. Fights aging symptoms: The alpha hydroxyl acids in the apple cider vinegar help in reducing the aging symptoms like fine lines, wrinkles and age spots.
How to use: Mix 1-2 tablespoons of this vinegar with some water in a bowl. Apply this solution on the wrinkles, age spots, or fine lines. Wash your face after 30-40 minutes with cold water.

5. Removes toxins from face: Using apple cider vinegar on a regular basis on your face will help in removing toxins from the skin of your face, leaving it healthy and glowing.
How to use: Just mix equal quantities of this vinegar and water. Apply it on the face 2-3 times in a day. Wash your face with cool water.

6. Lightens scars and blemishes: Apple cider vinegar has skin lightening and astringent properties to fight dark spots and blemishes on the skin. These properties help in lightening the scars and blemishes on the skin.
How to use: Just mix equal quantities of this vinegar and water. Apply and massage it on the face for 5-10 minutes. Wash your face with cool water. Repeat this process once in a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits for Hair care

1. Treats dandruff: Apple cider vinegar has antifungal and anti-inflammatory characteristics to fight dandruff. The acidic component in this vinegar balances the pH levels of the scalp and protects it from any fungal growth. The acids in this vinegar also help in killing the bacteria that block the hair follicles and cause flakes.
How to use: Combine 3-4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and water together. Massage this solution on your scalp before the shampoo. Rinse well. You can also add this vinegar to your shampoo.

2. As a hair wash: The pH level of the hair scalp is slightly acidic and the shampoos we use are alkaline in nature. This creates an imbalance in the pH levels of the hair scalp. The acidic nature of this vinegar helps in removing the residue blocking the roots of the hair by restoring the acidic nature of the scalp. Washing your hair with apple cider vinegar keeps your hair lustrous and shiny.
How to use: Rinse your hair with a mixture of 2 tablespoons of vinegar and a cup of water after shampooing. Leave it on for about 2-3 minutes before washing your hair. This will maintain the pH level of your scalp and keep it refreshed for a long time.

3. Improves porosity: Porosity is the moisture retaining ability of the hair. The presence of the acids in the apple cider vinegar improves the hair’s porosity by keeping intact the hair cuticle.

4. Averts split ends and hair breakage: Split ends and hair breakage result from the lack of moisture in the hair. The apple cider vinegar retains the porosity of the hair keeping it replenished with moisture. This averts any hair breakage or split ends.
How to use: Mix equal quantities of apple cider vinegar and warm water together. After shampooing, apply this mixture on your hair. Rinse.

5. Fosters hair growth: Apple cider vinegar is a good remedy to foster hair growth and reduce hair fall. The vinegar increases the blood circulation in the hair follicles, strengthens them triggering the hair growth and preventing any hair loss.

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits for Weight Loss

Apple cider vinegar is an amazing remedy to shed those extra pounds quickly. It has gained immense popularity among the health experts and fitness gurus. The acetic acid in this vinegar burns the fats in the body and gets the metabolism of the body work at its best. It fosters satiety and reduces your food intake, thereby promoting weight loss.
How to use: Add 1-2 teaspoons of this vinegar in a glass of warm water. Drink this solution half an hour before taking your meals. You can also add this vinegar to the salad dressings.

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits for Healthcare

1. Maintains cholesterol levels: The acetic and chlorogenic acid in the apple cider vinegar helps in keeping the level of LDL cholesterol (bad for health) low and increases the level of HDL cholesterol (good for health) in the body. This keeps the cardiovascular system of our body healthy.

2. Stabilizes Blood Sugar: Apple cider vinegar contains dietary fibers in it which is very beneficial for regulating the blood sugar levels in the body. The consumption of this vinegar by the diabetic patients helps in increasing the insulin sensitivity in their bodies.
How to use: Mix 1-2 tablespoons of this vinegar in a cup of water. Drink it before your meals.

3. Relieves pain of arthritis: The anti-inflammatory properties in the apple cider vinegar help in relieving the pain arising from arthritis. It also restrains the progress of other arthritic conditions.

4. Treats Diarrhea: Apple cider vinegar contains pectin which helps in treating the symptoms of diarrhea.
How to use: Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water. Consume this solution thrice a day.

5. Balances pH levels: The acetic acid in this vinegar maintains the pH levels in the body. It is acidic in nature and imparts an alkaline effect on the human body.
How to use: Just make a drink by mixing 1-2 tablespoons of this vinegar and water in a cup.

6. Reduces blood pressure: Apple cider vinegar promotes a healthy heart. The acetic acid present in it helps in reducing the blood pressure in the body.
How to use: Mix 1-2 tablespoons of this vinegar, lemon juice, and some honey in a glass of warm water. Drink this liquid to regulate your blood pressure.

7. Detoxifies the body: The acidic nature of the apple cider vinegar helps in detoxifying the body by promoting the alkaline pH levels of your body. It helps in purifying the blood, improves blood circulation, and stimulates lymphatic drainage.
How to use: Just make a drink by mixing 1-2 tablespoons of this vinegar in a cup of water.

8. Boosts metabolism: Apple cider vinegar helps in boosting the metabolism of the body. Consuming this vinegar with a meal rich in carbohydrates increases satiety and promotes weight loss.

9. Cures Acid Reflux symptoms: Acid reflux is a condition in which the acid content in the stomach is very low. The symptoms of this condition are nausea, belching, and heartburn. The acidic nature of the apple cider vinegar promotes acid content in the stomach and alleviates the symptoms of acid reflux.
How to use: Dilute 1-2 tablespoons of this vinegar in a glass of water. Drink this solution before having your meals.

10. Promotes healthy digestive system: Apple cider vinegar replenishes your diet with good bacteria. These bacteria are healthy for your digestive system and promote better immunity in the body.

11. Treats fungal infections: The antifungal property of the apple cider vinegar helps in combating fungal infections such as toenail fungus, yeast infections, athlete’s foot, or jock itch. Making an antifungal spray with this vinegar helps in treating these infections.

12. Cures Warts: The apple cider vinegar helps in curing the warts naturally, Just applying this vinegar directly on the wart with the help of a cotton ball will help in treating the wart. Repeat this process for a few days.

13. Fights seasonal allergies: The healthy bacteria found in the apple cider vinegar helps in promoting immunity to fight against the seasonal allergies like sniffles. Drink two tablespoons of this vinegar mixed in water to curb any kind of seasonal allergies.

14. A Natural deodorant: The antibacterial properties in the apple cider vinegar fights against the bacteria of the armpit creating body odor. Using this vinegar as a deodorant is an excellent remedy to prevent ant body odor. Just dab a little of this vinegar on your armpits to neutralize odor.

15. Whitens Teeth: Apple cider vinegar helps in whitening your teeth naturally. Brush your teeth with a little vinegar for better results. Don’t overuse it, as it can damage your enamel.

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