India Creative Hobbies to Beat the Lockdown Lows

Creative Hobbies to Beat the Lockdown Lows

Lockdown Hobbies.

With the nation still reeling from the impact of the second wave, nobody can see signs on the horizon of the country opening up anytime soon. We’re all stuck inside our house, doing zoom calls instead of café hangouts, gazing out the window and wondering why we never appreciated the great outdoors when we had the chance.

However, with great leisure comes great boredom. Staying creative and innovative has become almost impossible during the past year. But worry no more, here are the creative hobbies to acquire this lockdown to cure yourself of those pandemic blues.

Of course, we all know common hobbies such as reading, painting or watching Netflix. What else can you do except this?

  • Cooking: Spent all your time ordering food from Zomato before the lockdown? You’re not alone. With lesser cafes and restaurants opening to business, people have been cooking and creating innovative dishes while at it. Not only is this a great hobby, but it is also gratifying as you get to eat all the cool stuff you make! There are numerous online sites to help you find the perfect recipe with a handful of available ingredients. It truly is something that can bring out your creative foodie side!
  • Journal writing: The best way to clean your headspace while also honing your inner talent. Creating a quarantine journal is undoubtedly a popular choice. Not only can you write about the new song or show that you are obsessing over. You can even create a day plan and help yourself be more productive and achieve all your goals without last-minute rushes. You can take forward this hobby even into the age after the pandemic is feasible and an excellent habit to have.
  • Knitting: We’ve all associated warm snuggly sweaters with our affectionate grandmothers or mothers who used to spend their winter days knitting that scarf or cardigan for our birthday. Now is the time for you to carry on that tradition and create the pretty scarves you’ve been adding to your Pinterest boards for years. It is a hobby you can do anywhere without too much hassle. Once you get the hang of it, it is pretty cool and sparks your creativity to make fun patterns and designs. What’s a better time than now to become your designer?
  • Learning a musical instrument: You don’t have to be in school or a young child to learn a new instrument. Thanks to youtube and incredible teachers, you have easy access to all lessons for whatever instrument you want to learn. It is an excellent hobby for someone who loves their alone time and music. Why not combine them both and create some new tunes to show off at your next family gathering?
  • A new language: It’s always a great time to learn something new. A new language that you might have been wanting to for a while. For a fun vacation after the world reopens. There are no cons to learning about a new culture through its language. You can go with the easier ones, such as French or Spanish or if you’re up for a challenge, Japanese or Korean. Who knows when you might run into BTS or if you get sucked into the world of anime, and subtitles aren’t for you.

Being creative is essential for our souls. When we stop learning something new, our brain cells start dying. With free time on our hands, this is the perfect opportunity to do what we have been delaying. Get creative and make your time at home easier and more fun!

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