India Homoeopathy – Benefits, Side-Effects and Contraindications

Homoeopathy – Benefits, Side-Effects and Contraindications


Homoeopathy is an alternative medicinal practice that uses an active ingredient in very small amounts for treating a disease. The treatment procedure is based on the ‘like cures like’ principle. For instance, administering small doses of substances that caused an allergy in the first place is claimed to stimulate immune system of the body, thereby helping patients to heal naturally.

Homoeopathy was founded by the German physician Dr Samuel Hahnemann in the late 1700s. It was introduced in India by a French traveller Dr. John Martin Honigberger (a direct student of Hahnemann) in 1810. This medicinal practice gained legal recognition in India in 1948.

As per World Health Organisation, homoeopathy is the second largest therapeutic system used in the world. More than 50 crore people across 80 nations, and over 10 crore people in India trust homoeopathy. The market size of the organised homoeopathy market in India and the world is Rs 3,600 crore and Rs 26,000 crore respectively. The total number of registered homoeopathy practitioners is more than 2.25 lakh in India alone.

Homoeopathy: Benefits

There are innumerable benefits of homeopathy. The top 5 benefits are given below:

1. Homoeopathic Medicines are Made from Natural Substances

The best thing about homoeopathic medicines is that they are made from natural substances that are extracted from plants, minerals or animals. No man-made drugs or chemicals are used. Moreover, the medicine is used in extremely low or diluted dosage. That’s why these medicines are gentle and subtle, yet powerful.

Substances generally used by homoeopaths for treating patients are activated charcoals, herbs (fresh/dried), caffeine, garlic, vinegar, mountain herbs, stinging nettle plants, poison ivy, white arsenic, and crushed bees. Tablets, drops, creams, gels, or skin ointments are normally created from these substances.

The best part is that they either have rare or no negative side effects. In fact, unlike certain prescription drugs, homoeopathy drugs have very low addiction risk.

2. Effectively Cures Allergies and Asthma

A study was conducted by the researchers at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, where they divided a group of asthma patients into two groups in accordance with their treatment procedures – homoeopathic group and a placebo group. The study found that 80% of the patients administered with homoeopathic doses witnessed significant health improvements within the first week of treatment. However, in case of placebo treatment, the improvement was restricted to just 38% of the control group.

3. Treats Anxiety and Depression More Effectively

Homoeopathy is commonly used with psychotherapy including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for treating mental, emotional, and physical disorders such as insomnia, sleeping disorder, muscle pain, digestive problems, headaches, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and other ailments. Many studies have testified to the effectiveness, and the associated high levels of patient satisfaction, regarding this alternative anxiety and depression treatment.

4. Effective in Controlling Chronic Pain

The effectiveness of homoeopathy in treating chronic pain is also borne out from some other case studies. In one of the studies, it was discovered that over an 18.5 months span, the patients’ chronic lower back pain decreased significantly.

5. Homoeopathy Considers All Aspects of a Patient

Homoeopathy considers any illness in a patient as the overall reaction stemming from the unique situation of a patient, and not just a collection of symptoms. The treatment procedure takes into account ‘spiritual, emotional, mental and physical’ symptoms experienced by a patient, thereby taking a holistic view. Factors such as chronic stress, as well as the patient’s motivation to heal faster, are considered by the homoeopathic physicians before prescribing medication. From the perspective of wholesome treatment, homeopathy definitely scores better.

Homoeopathy: Side Effects

Since homoeopathic medicines are made from natural substances, negative side-effects are either rare or non-existent. In case of homoeopathy treatment, if side-effects do surface, then they do so with less severity.

–  Some of the infrequent negative side effects are constipation, less sweating/breast milk production, vomiting, blurred vision, nausea, and dryness of mouth.

–  The rare side effects are confusion, increased pressure in the eye, rash, dilated pupil, urination problem (difficult or painful), drop in blood pressure upon standing, hives, allergic skin inflammation, head pain, drowsiness, feeling of weakness, memory loss, and gas formation.

Homeopathy: Contraindications

Persons having certain conditions are contraindicated with homoeopathic (Ca-Belladonna-Cm) pellet.

–  Before taking homoeopathic medicine, check whether you have hyperactive thyroid gland, closed angle glaucoma, myasthenia gravis, saliva secretion change, chronic lung disease/heart problem, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, Hiatal Hernia, Toxic Megacolon, liver problems, urinary bladder blockage, enlarged prostate, blockage in stomach/intestine, Atony of Colon, Sarcoidosis, tachyarrhythmia, Dysreflexia, presence of high amount of calcium in blood/urine, or kidney stone, among others.

–  Inform doctor before taking homoeopathic medicine if you have allergies related to Belladonna Alkaloids, Chamomile Flower, Calcium, and Calcium Phosphate.


If you are looking for an alternative wholesome treatment to a chronic condition, with no/less side-effects, you can choose homoeopathy.

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