India What is Your Stay-at-home Motivation?

What is Your Stay-at-home Motivation?

Let us stay positive and help each other to stay positive.
What is Your Stay-at-home Motivation?
Let us stay positive and help each other to stay positive.

The world is changing. And changing in quite unexpected ways. We are being pushed inside our homes, while Nature attempts at healing itself. If anything, the chirping of the birds in the morning and the odd images of dolphins appearing in Mumbai sea or wild and exotic animals resurfacing on city roads are quite a consolation during these lockdown days. Worries are running high and there is no end to it. However, it is better to anticipate the light at the end of the tunnel rather than focus on the darkness prevailing inside it.

Stay at home, stay at home; they say. But its not so easy to take away the wind that was giving flight to the human dreams. It is not so easy to put a brake on the proverbial race that mankind has embarked on. But today is not about stopping progress, today is not about telling ourselves we are worried or we are alone. Today is exploring the other edges of progress. Seeing my tomatoes ripe each day in my little garden is progress. Likewise, visiting your favourite pages of a book, that’s progress.  Learning to discipline the mind to learn meditation on your own is progress. Consistency of building positivity is progress.

Here is an ode to progress. Two poems I have written on my flighty moments when my want to be positive and to survive this battle called life, induced me to romance with my challenges and led me back to my boyish energy.

So, what is the mantra that is keeping you positive these days?

The Night without Darkness

Yesterday night I was looking for darkness;
There were people,
There was laughter.
There were tears,
There was fear, and
There was light.

It was a crazy night.
Flowers were withering away,
Taps were running dry,
Bowls were begging for food,
Food was asking for buyers,
Buyers were begging for sellers,
Sellers were Asking for merchants,
Merchants were begging for farmers,
Farmers were asking for buyers.

Some were ploughing back their crop;
Some were hitting their wives and children.

Some were full of remorse;
Some were looking for a pesticide to drink.

It was a restless night;
I was missing my soul,
I was missing my life.
I was in tears.
I was in fear.
The world was ending,
My eyes opened,
But the devil was nowhere around.
Evil had gone home,
The sun was shining.
Hope was alive.
Hope is alive.
I will live,
I am not going to die.

Life is Romance

Depression has set in.
Negativity is high.
I am slow.
But I will survive.
I will thrive.
I am loved.
I am cared for.
I have my own.
I am alone
Sadness is not good.
Blank spaces beacon me.
Days make me lazy.
Nights make me crazy.
Sleep never comes.
Sleep never goes.
Life is here.
Mustn’t go.
Smile is big.
Life is a song
Life is dance
Life is love
Life is romance.

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