India Your Sleeping Position Holds Key to Skin Ageing         ...

Your Sleeping Position Holds Key to Skin Ageing           

3. Sleeping on Your Stomach

Sleeping on Your Stomach

This position is loved by many, but unfortunately, this is the worst position you can get shuteye. Here, your face is pushed against the pillow, which puts high pressure on it. This whole arrangement leads to the obstruction of follicles of the skin. And result? Acne, clogged pores, and worst, lines. Since there’s not enough room for circulation in this position, it leads to eye bags and puffy eyes as well. Think about it, 8 hours of tension between your facial skin and the pillow, that’s just cruelty to your own skin. Also, this position spells trouble for your back as well. Avoid this position at all costs.

Do you suffer from any of the skin- ageing related problem mentioned in this article? If yes, chances are you are sleeping in a wrong position. Try going for the best option, i.e. sleeping on the back. Practise it for a few weeks and get back to us with the results.

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