Quiz Explain the following principles of management :

Explain the following principles of management :

CBSE Business Studies class 12 question and answer | Explain the following principles of management :


Explain the following principles of management :

(i) Unity of direction
(ii) Remuneration to employees
(iii) Equity


(i) Unity of Direction:

  • Unity of direction is a principle of management that emphasizes the need for all activities within an organization to be aligned towards common goals and objectives.

  • It suggests that there should be a single, unified plan of action for each group of activities that have the same objective.

  • Under unity of direction, efforts should be coordinated and directed towards the achievement of organizational goals to avoid conflicting or contradictory actions.

  • This principle ensures clarity of purpose, minimizes duplication of efforts, and promotes efficiency in the utilization of resources.

(ii) Remuneration to Employees:

  • The principle of remuneration to employees emphasizes the importance of fair and equitable compensation for the work performed by employees.

  • It suggests that employees should be compensated adequately for their contributions to the organization, including their skills, efforts, and performance.

  • Remuneration includes not only monetary compensation such as wages, salaries, bonuses, and incentives but also non-monetary benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, and opportunities for career advancement.

  • Fair remuneration enhances employee motivation, morale, and satisfaction, leading to increased productivity, reduced turnover, and improved organizational performance.

(iii) Equity:

  • Equity is a principle of management that advocates fairness, justice, and impartiality in the treatment of employees.

  • It implies that all employees should be treated fairly and equally, without discrimination or favoritism based on factors such as gender, race, age, religion, or nationality.

  • Under the principle of equity, decisions regarding recruitment, selection, promotion, compensation, and discipline should be based on merit, performance, and qualifications.

  • Ensuring equity in the workplace fosters a positive organizational culture, promotes trust and cooperation among employees, and enhances overall morale and commitment to the organization.

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