Quiz This item in the Harry Potter stories, is associated with the freeing...

This item in the Harry Potter stories, is associated with the freeing of which of these characters?

Today's Amazon Quiz, 21st May 2021 - This item in the Harry Potter stories, is associated with the freeing of which of these characters?

This item in the Harry Potter stories, is associated with the freeing of which of these characters
This item in the Harry Potter stories, is associated with the freeing of which of these characters? (Credit: Amazon Quiz)

Options to the question -This item in the Harry Potter stories, is associated with the freeing of which of these characters?

  • Draco
  • Dobby
  • Emmila
  • Martzie

The correct answer is Dobby. The image item in the Harry Potter stories, is associated with the freeing of the Dobby character.

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