Reviews Movies Aquaman: Movie Review

Aquaman: Movie Review

Review of Aquaman

“I don’t remember when exactly I read my first comic book, but I do remember exactly how liberated and subversive I felt as a result.”

-Edward Said, Palestine

Without a doubt, comic books can be described as our most realistic portal into magic; into hope. And, one cannot talk about comics without talking about DC. One of the oldest, the largest comic book companies in America, DC has given us several childhood favourites – Batman, Superman, Nightwing, and even Aquaman.

Naturally then, news of Aquaman finally making a grand entrance on the big screens has us tossing about in our sheets in excitement. The superhero has arrived in theaters, and if you are wondering whether or not to spend those bills on the movie, read on!


Cast: Jason Momoa, Amber Heard, Willem Dafoe, Patrick Wilson, Dolph Lundgren, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Nicole Kidman

Directed by: James Wan

Produced by: Peter Safran, Rob Cowan

Written by: Geoff Johns, James Wan, Will Beall

Cinematography by: Don Burgess

Edited by: Kirk Morri

Production House: Warner Bros. Pictures, DC Films, The Safran Company, Cruel and Unusual Films, Mad Ghost Productions

Duration: 2 hours 23 minutes



Based on the DC character “Aquaman”, created by Mort Weisinger and Paul Norris, the movie revolves around the life of Arthur (Jason Momoa). He is the son of an ordinary human, and the princess of Atlantis, an underwater nation. As the story unfolds, we learn that Arthur can communicate with marine-life creatures, a gift he has obviously inherited from his mother.

Vulko, the princess’s (Atlanna) highly trusted advisor begins training young Arthur into a skilled warrior, preparing him for the crown of Atlantis. Unfortunately, though, he finds himself rejected by the Atlanteans, declaring him unworthy because he is half-breed. Thus begins the quest for our protagonist to claim what is rightfully his. The journey, as one would expect, is not just a walk in the park, but rather, keeps you mesmerized throughout.


Different DC nerds have different things to say about this movie. For some, it is a perfect bang-on, a true tribute to Aquaman. For others, the movie is yet another “DC fail”. However, despite contrasting reviews you are sure to hear around, the James Wan-directed creation definitely deserves a watch.

Jason Momoa, as expected, is perfect for the role of both Arthur, and Aquaman. His fans won’t be disappointed, as he swings into action, throwing the “bad guys” around like they are made of feathers, not limbs. The creators have managed to dust off the screeching lags in previous WB/DC movies, like Justice League, or even Dawn of Justice. However, one might feel that the movie lacks in substance, failing to get in depth of the Aquaman universe.

Our Verdict

In 2018 alone, Marvel Studios have had one after another blockbuster swoon the audience, be it- Black Panther, Infinity War, Venom, and that’s not even half of the list! True, the studio has built quite a niche for itself, transforming even “non-Comic nerd” people into Superhero enthusiasts.

The last DC movie to make it to the limelight, however, was Wonder Woman back in 2016. Now, with Aquaman already making huge profits soon after releasing, hope seems to have been resurrected. Hope, and our beloved DC universe.

So, if you are a DC fan, watching Aquaman will once again make you proud of your faithful “cult” following all these years. Watch Momoa dive into the deep oceans, while you splash into your fandom!

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