India Monday Motivation – Start Your Week Right

Monday Motivation – Start Your Week Right

Monday Motivation – Start Your Week Right

So, the weekend is over and you are feeling low. And why not? After all, weekends are really amazing days. All fun and no work, can it get any better? But, as the sun starts to set on Sunday evening so do our spirits. It is the time when one starts to experience pangs of sadness, understandably so. Another long and draining week awaits you. After all, waking up early in the morning and getting back to the 9 to 5 job schedule can be a bit tiresome. But then, you can always turn your Monday morning into an exciting one simply by keeping yourself motivated.
A new week provides a new opportunity; one should celebrate the joy of achievements which he/she has established last week and with great satisfaction to start hustling for new ones. Let’s try to drive Monday blues away and make Mondays the good ones.

Here is the motivating quote to kick-start the week –

Arise! Awake! and stop not until the goal is reached.

The quote of the day was delivered by Swami Vivekanand who tried to motivate the people of India to attain freedom in the late 19th century. He wanted to motivate the people to get out of their hypnotized state of mind. The quote still appears relevant in today’s time as these days people are over-burdened. They don’t have time for self-care. As Monday start approaching, people get triggered by overwhelming feelings of sadness, stress, and anxiety. Lack of passion or motivation can be observed in all individuals who sit in the office for a long day which appears never-ending to them. They are sluggish or tense all the time. So, in order to beat the Monday blues, we need to gain all our worn out tools and start again this week to achieve something great.

As Swami Vivekanand has said arise, awake and do not stop. Set short-term goals for the day and do not stop until the goal is achieved. You will feel a lot better and motivated once you achieve your goal of the day. It is going to give you a boost to sustain the whole week and you will be pumped up.

This Monday don’t just sit like a zombie inside the office struggling to work rather feel charged and work hard. Take a deep breath, develop an aura of positive energy, hustle harder and get through the day. Be proud of your accomplishment and get boosted for rest of the days of the week.

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