World Time Zones Map

Time Zone Map of World

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World Time Zone Map
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*World time zone map showing current local time around the world

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Time Zones

The Sun shines on only half of the Earth's surface because the Earth is a rotating sphere. This means that it is morning, evening, and night at different parts of the world. Each country or a part of the country uses a local time to offset these differences. A region on the Earth's surface which uses a single local time is called a Time Zone. There are 24 one-hour time zones around the world. These are arranged in vertical longitudinal bands.

This map displays the standard time zones and the current local time at different places in the world. It is a useful resource and aid for school children, parents, teachers, travellers, and anyone else who wishes to learn about the different time zones.

Universal time and Local time

Local time is the measure of the position of the Sun relative to a locality - a country, city, or a town. Local time varies from place to place on Earth. Standard time is the official local time in a country or part of the country. However, time zones are arranged in longitudinal bands; in some places, they are skewed and are determined by geographical factors or a country's borders.

Most countries have just one time zone, but some large countries such as Canada, Russia and the USA are split over several time zones. As a result, standard time varies across these countries. The USA has nine standard times; four of the main ones are called - Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific. On the other hand, China is spread out over five time zones but uses one standard time.

Before 1972, the universal time was taken as the local time in Greenwich, England at the Prime Meridian at 0° longitude. Coordinated Universal time (UTC) has replaced Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) as the international reference used to set the local time in each time zone.

Last Updated on : December 16, 2024