World Population Density Map

Population Density World Map

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World Population Density Map
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The World Population Density Map with current country boundaries.

Disclaimer: All efforts have been made to make this image accurate. However Mapping Digiworld Pvt Ltd and its directors do not own any responsibility for the correctness or authenticity of the same.

What is population density?

Population density is the number of people who live in a particular area. We can calculate the population density for a city, a country, or the entire world if we know the size of the area and the number of people living in the area, i.e. the population, as the density is the measure of the number of people per square kilometres or miles.

This map shows the population density of the world with the current country boundaries marked out. It is a useful resource for immediate reference as areas of high and low population density are given different shades of colours.

There are now seven billion people on earth. The landmasses account for just 29% or one-third of the earth's total area. Within this landmass, the population density varies. There are areas which are unlivable and uninhabited, and there are also areas which have a very high population density. Antarctica accounts for 9% of the earth's total landmass but as it is a frozen continent covered with ice, is a deserted place. Places with a pleasant climate, often next to rivers have historically had a very high population density.

The Most Populous Places

The most populous countries and places do not always have the highest population density. The number of people is relative to the space or size of the area occupied by them.

Asia, the largest and the most populous continent, has some of the most densely populated countries. Europe, a small continent accounts for 6% of the earth's landmass but has 11% of the world's population making its population density the second highest in the world.

Africa, the second largest continent, has a low population density overall, though areas close to the River Nile in Egypt are densely populated. Many of the world's city-states and sovereignties are very densely inhabited because they have more people living in relatively smaller areas. Monaco, the Vatican City, Singapore, Hong Kong and Bahrain have a high population density.

China is the world's most populated, and India, the world's second most populated country. However, the country with the highest population density is Bangladesh. It has a population density of more than 1,034 people per square kilometre. Indian cities such as Delhi and Kolkata have high population densities though Manila in the Philippines has the highest population density with 43,079 persons per square kilometres.

Last Updated on: December 16, 2024