Cuttack Population

The population of Cuttack was about 535,139, according to 2001 census. The density of population in the city is about 4382 per square kilometer and the percentage of 'population change' is about 2.856%. Out of the total population of Cuttack, 248,947 are female and 286,192 are male. The demography of Cuttack conveys that 52,513 people are between the age group of 0-6 years of which, 25,669 are female and 26,844 are male.

The decennial growth rate in Cuttack is recorded to be 14.02. According to a survey conducted in 1991, the population of the city was 403418. Over the past ten years, there has been a tremendous increase in the population of cuttack. Furthermore, literacy rate in Cuttack is 76.66. The total number of literates within the city is 401,368, of which, about 229,563 male are literate, and about 171,805 women are estimated to be literate in this city of Orissa.

Last Updated on 30 August 2012