The Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya in Puri started its operation from the month November in 2001 within the premises of the Erabanga High School on a temporary basis. The total number of students of the school was 80 at that time.
From the year 2002, the maximum strength of the school has been made 40 for imparting better quality of education to the students and giving personalized attention to each and every student. Currently, the school has expanded its strength and the science department of grade 11 has a total strength of 240. The school is expected to start operating at its permanent location in the near future.
The Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya at Puri stands in a part of the famous Golden Triangle. This school of Orissa is all the more popular among the students of the state, as it is situated not very far away from the capital city of the state, which is Bhubaneshwar.
The approximate distance between Bhubaneshwar and the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is 65 kms. Another landmark that is situated at a small distance away from the school is the Jagannath Temple, one of the main attractions of the town. It is situated at a distance of only 35 kms away from the school.
Last Updated on : 22/06/2013