Geography of Junagadh

The Geography of Junagadh reveals the topographical position of the city. The city is the headquarters of the Junagadh district in the state of Gujarat and is located at the foothills of the Girnar Hills. The geographical coordinates of Junagadh city is given below:
  • Longitude - 70° 28' East
  • Latitude - 21° 31' North
Junagadh stands at 107 meters above sea level.

Junagadh, which falls in the Saurashtra region, receives an average rainfall of 680 mm with a variability of 61 % on average. The average rainfall for the months of June, July, August and September is 194, 338, 187 and 105 mm respectively. The monsoon season is from June to September. A long dry spell follows after the monsoon period. The winter months record a maximum temperature of 32° Celsius and a minimum of 8° Celsius. The summer months that stretches through the months of March, April, May and June, records a maximum temperature of 45° Celsius.

Last Updated on 06/06/2013