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Small Scale Industries Puri

In Puri, Small Scale Industries are consumer oriented and encompasses fish catching, handicrafts and rice milling. The total number of registered small scale industrial units in Puri is 949, though there are many other units involved unofficially in the production process. In order to provide assistance to the new entrepreneurs of Puri, a District Industries Center (DIC) has also been formed in 1978. The council encourages the traditional artists and artisans to keep alive the heritage as well as provide means of livelihood to the unemployed youth of Puri.

The small scale industrial units of Puri include agro based ones that are involved in making snacks, molasses, coir, cashew processing, sauce, ice cream, squash, pickles, jams and jellies and the like. The marine based small scale industries are widely engaged in the processing of prawn pickles and dry fish. The Puri small scale units also manufacture leather based products, such as shoes, bags and belts. The forest based industries of Puri are involved in bee keeping and manufacture of wooden furniture, beedi, ethyle, sisal rope, Sal seed oil and bamboo sticks.

Owing to the coastal location of Puri, fishing industry is very developed. Fishing, processing and packaging various sea fishes, crabs, shrimps and prawn are common small scale industries. The Nulias of Puri are principal social groups involved in fishing industries. Handicrafts, hand looms, stone carving, metal work and horn carving also have a flourishing presence as low investment industries in Puri. Rice milling and extraction of edible oils from rice are also preferred small scale industries in Puri.

Last Updated on : 22/06/2013