Bhavnagar Population

Bhavnagar Population, according to census 2001, is 510,958. According to 1991 census, the population of Bhavnagar was 402,338. Therefore, we can see that there has been a marked increase in the population of the city over a period of 10 years. The demography of Bhavnagar comprises about 48% female and 52% male. The total number of males residing in this city of Gujarat are 267,019; whereas, the city has 243,939 females residing in it. Population change of this city in Gujarat is 2.421% per year.

Bhavnagar population comprises 366,986 literate persons. About 206,935 men and 106,051 women in Bhavnagar are literate. Furthermore, the population in Bhavnagar comprise of 64,990 individuals belonging to the age group of 0-6 years. Out of the total population, 29,544 are girls and 35,446 are boys.

Last Updated on 23 July 2012