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Demography of Visakhapatnam

Demography of Visakhapatnam provides information about the population, sex ratio, literacy rate and languages spoken by the people of this city. According to the census of 2001, the population of Vizag stood at 969, 608 out of which 489, 038 were males and 480, 038 were females. According to the same census, Vizag had 97,049 people under the age of 6, which was almost 10% of the total population of the city. Out of them, 49,343 were males while the rest 47,706 were females.

Vizag has a literacy rate of 69%, which is considerably higher than the national average of 59.5%. Around 74% of the total male population in Visakhapatnam is literate while the percentage of literate females is 63%. The total number of literate people in Visakhapatnam in 2001 was 666,265 out of which 363, 766 were males and 302,499 were females.

Visakhapatnam, lying within the co-ordinates of 17° 42' North Latitude and 83° 15' East Longitude, is one of the important cities of Andhra Pradesh. Telugu is the main language that is spoken by the people of Vizag. However, there are two dialects of Telugu that are spoken in the city, the common dialect and Uttarandha dialect. After Telugu, Hindi is the most widely used language in this coastal city. English is also spoken by the people of Visakhapatnam. Vizag is also home to a large number of Bengalis and Oriyas; therefore both these languages are spoken widely as well.

Last Updated on: 7/05/2013