Jabalpur Population

Jabalpur population is about 932,484 (according to 2001 census). The density of population in Jabalpur is about 6055 per square kilometer. The percentage of 'population change' every year is about 2.312%. According to the last study (1991 census), the population of Jabalpur was 741927. Therefore, there has been an increase in Jabalpur population over the last 10 years.

Moreover, the population of Jabalpur is predominated by Hindus. The presence of river Narmada and Gond and Maratha dynasties has lead to the predominance of the Hindu community in Jabalpur. Besides, the population of the city also comprise of Muslims. The Mughal rule has fostered the inhabitancy of the Muslims in the city. In fact, different communities occupy different pockets in the city. The population in Jabalpur presents an amalgamation of different communities.

Last Updated on 30th Nov 2012