Bhavnagar Information

Bhavnagar information provides the local people and the visitors with the important phone numbers and other data concerning the city details.

A brief knowledge on the vital Bhavnagar information and important contact numbers are of an utmost need for the local people as well as for the tourists. Bhavnagar is a city of industrial importance in the Indian state of Gujarat. This city also houses a number of tourist attractions. With every passing year, the number of people visiting the city is increasing.

Bhavnagar Culture

The city of Bhavnagar reflects the traditional culture of the state of Gujarat. The local people of Bhavnagar follow the Indian custom of excellent hospitality. Moreover, this city is known as Saurashtra's cultural capital.

Industry in Bhavnagar

Bhavnagar is a significant industrial city in Gujarat. It serves as an important trading center for a variety of cotton articles.

Modes of Transportation in Bhavnagar

The city of Bhavnagar offers a number of transportation options to move in and around this important city. It is well connected to cities Mumbai and Ahmedabad by air and rail. The intra-city transport system consists of local buses and auto-rickshaws.

Bhavnagar Climate

Bhavnagar is very hot in the summers and cool during the winters. It is advisable that one should visit the place during the winters as the weather remains pleasant.

Language Spoken in Bhavnagar

The languages that are spoken in the city of Bhavnagar are Gujarati, which is the local language, Hindi and English.

In times of need and while combating emergency situations, all important information about Bhavnagar should be kept at hand so that one can call for help.

To know about the important information about the city of Bhavnagar, one simply has to log on the following links:

Last Updated on 23 July 2012