Jobs in Madurai

There are many openings or jobs in Madurai. These job vacancies reflect a strong Madurai economy. Different types of job vacancies are available in the city.

The various sectors in which one can look for a job in this city of Tamil Nadu are airlines, accounting, banking, business process outsourcing, biotechnology, bioinformatics, clerical jobs, call center, data entry, software development, database, engineering, editing, films, environmental jobs, finance, human resources, government, hospitality, health care, insurance, information technology, law, medical transcription and MBA. A few Madurai job openings in some of the most prominent job sectors of the city are given below.

In the field of software engineering, there are a number of job opportunities in Madurai. The Trigent Software Limited is a well-known name in the software market of Madurai. This company has job opportunities for software engineers. This company offers international-quality custom applications for the sector of software and technology solutions. Aarvee Information systems and Radial Soft are two other private sector companies of the city that provide good opportunities for jobs to the software engineers.

In the sector of banking, there are a number of job openings in Madurai. The HDFC bank, one of the leading banks of the city, needs employees for its NRI services. The same bank also has vacancies in the department of sales.

In the field of accounts, there are many job openings. The reputed company called Vaighai Chemical Industries has openings for the post of manager in the department of accounts. T V Sundaram Iyengar and Sons is another reputed private company of the city that requires human resources for the post of cashier or accounts clerk.

Last Updated on 9/15/2011