Margao travel guide helps the tourists to travel across the length and breadth of the city without much difficulty. It helps the travelers to know the details of the city. The travel guide of Margao also helps the tourists know about the weather and tourist attractions of the city.
To begin with, it can be said that Margao is the second largest city and the commercial hub of Goa. It is famous for its cultural heritage. The city also possesses the administrative headquarters of the south Goan districts. It is known for its fish market situated in southern part of Goa near the Municipal Office.
Furthermore, Margao travel guide also provide a detailed knowledge about the tourist attractions of the city. Among the tourist sites housed in the city are:
- Sat Burzam Ghor - Sat Burzam Ghor is a beautiful mansion which means a 'house of seven roofs'. It was built during the Portuguese rule. Although the mansion has broken in some parts, the building still looks magnificent.