Police Bazar, a renowned market located in the heart of Shillong is one of the most important shopping centers of Meghalaya. Shopping in Meghalaya is different from shopping in some other states of India.
Although the bigger market may not necessarily be the better one, Police Bazar of Meghalaya is an exception. It is big and it is replete with shopping attractions. The Police Bazar in Meghalaya provides the visitors many opportunities procure some of the most exclusive collections that they will never find in any other places.
Chief Attractions of Police Bazar in Meghalaya
Police Bazar of Shillong offers many options to choose from. The shops which sell the same kind of merchandise are arranged in a chain, whereas others are loosely scattered in different corners of this market.
Handicrafts and local artifacts made by the various tribal people of the state are the chief attractions for the visitors to Police Bazar in Shillong. The tribes of Meghalaya are extremely adept at making wonderful utility and artistic products from bamboo and cane. These bamboo and cane handicrafts are the greatest attractions of the Police Bazar in Shillong.
Cotton and silk materials are sumptuously displayed in this market to fascinate the shoppers. There are some products found in fixed prices, yet heavy bargaining is a characteristic feature of the market. Much thought goes behind the display of the products in the market, which is done in a unique way to allure the shoppers and visitors.
Last Updated on 15/06/2013