How To Get Thicker Hair?

Hair loss is often reversible, and there are things you can do to increase the thickness and look of your hair. 

Many people suffer from hair loss at some point in their life. Ageing, hormonal changes, genetics, drugs, and medical disorders are all common factors. If your hair loss is abrupt or you feel it is related to an existing medical issue, you should consult a doctor. Hair loss is often reversible, and there are things you can do to increase the thickness and look of your hair. 

Here are some methods to help you keep your hair thick and dense:


Eggs are packed with protein, nutrients, and essential minerals, which assist in building and brightening your hair. 

Onion Juice

When developing thick and dense hair, onion juice is essential. You should make a mixture of onion juice, coconut oil, and yoghurt. Allow this combination to sit on your scalp for an hour. After some time, rinse with lukewarm water. This is a low-cost treatment with several advantages. It not only encourages thick and dense hair but also contributes to lustrous and silky hair.

Potato Juice

Another home treatment for thick and dense hair is to drink potato juice. Potatoes are high in vitamins B, A, and C, all beneficial to hair. Take some potato juice and apply it to your scalp. Remove with lukewarm water. For optimal results, use shampoo and conditioner. Use this treatment twice or three times each day.


Did you know flaxseed is an excellent catalyst for promoting strong and beautiful hair? Yes, flaxseed is a fantastic component that may feed your hair with the correct quantity of protein. You must immerse some seed in a third cup of water overnight. Gather the flax seeds and bring them to a simmer in water. The gel-like consistency becomes apparent quickly. Turn off the heat and set the gel aside to cool. Apply to the scalp and rinse with water.

Olive Oil

Hot oil massage on the scalp using olive oil, packed with beneficial fats, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids, can stimulate hair growth and help prevent hair loss.

Aloe Vera Gel

This wonderful herb is good for the skin and helps with hair care when applied straight to the scalp. Use fresh aloe vera gel straight to the hair and scalp. Let it on overnight, and wash it with a light cleanser the following day. Do this twice a week to thicken your hair.

Castor Oil

There is no better oil than castor oil, which enhances blood circulation and encourages healthy hair development due to its high vitamin E and ricinoleic acid content.

Black Seed Oil

Also referred to as kalonji oil, it may combat all hair care difficulties, including dandruff, itchy scalp, and hair loss.

Rosemary Oil

This little-known oil is the most effective in controlling hair loss and stimulating new hair growth. 

Black Tea

Black tea is high in caffeine; it contains higher caffeine than just a cup of coffee. Caffeine inhibits dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, the androgenic chemical that causes hair loss. Black tea moisturizes natural hair, keeps it workable, and gives it a dark lustre. It strengthens and thickens hair when combined with black cumin seeds.