Blog What Is Phobia And Its Types?

What Is Phobia And Its Types?

Phobias can take on a variety of forms

Phobias are specific types of anxiety disorders that affect people. It makes a person feel paralyzed or overwhelmed by a fear of something or someone who ordinarily does not present a real threat. People with a phobia are extremely afraid of a particular thing or circumstance. Common fears don’t cause as much distress as phobias, which may interfere with daily activities at home, work, or school. Phobias can take on a variety of forms. The list of specific phobias is quite long because there are infinite things and circumstances. 

The following categories are used by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)Trusted Source to classify various phobias:

  • Animal type: Dogs, snakes, and spiders are a few examples of fears.
  • Fear of heights, thunder, and darkness will be associated with the outdoors.
  • Type BII i.e. blood, injection, and injury: Blood, invasive medical procedures, and needles are a few examples. 
  • Fear of specific situations such as flying, using an elevator, or operating a vehicle.
  • Any phobia that does not fall under one of the abovementioned phobia is considered this type.

These are a few common types of Phobias:

  • Arachnophobia

Arachnophobia is the fear of arachnids such as spiders. A spider can elicit a fear response when seen, but in some cases, just thinking about a spider or seeing an image of one can cause intense fear and panic. One of the most prevalent theories for this and other animal phobias is that they once posed a significant threat to our ancestors, who lacked the medical knowledge and technological resources to treat wounds from animals and insects. Because of this, evolution has contributed to a tendency to fear these creatures. 

  • Ophidiophobia

The phobia of snakes is called ophidiophobia. This phobia is quite widespread, and its origins are frequently attributed to evolutionary factors, individual circumstances, or cultural factors. According to some, snakes can occasionally be poisonous, so our ancestors who avoided them were more likely to survive and pass on their genes. 

  • Social Phobia

The fear of being in social situations is known as social phobia, and it can be extremely debilitating. These phobias can often become so severe that people avoid things that might make them anxious. The most common form of social phobia is the aversion to speaking in front of others. People with social phobias may occasionally avoid social situations, harming their well-being and ability to function. 

  • Mysophobia

Mysophobia, or an exaggerated fear of germs and dirt, can cause individuals to wash their hands excessively, clean their hands to the point of obsession, or even avoid anything they perceive to be filthy. This phobia could occasionally be linked to obsessive-compulsive disorder. 

  • Contact your Doctor

Safe and effective treatments are available, including psychotherapy, medication, or both. It is always best to speak with a doctor or therapist to create a treatment plan that is suitable for a particular circumstance.

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