5 Reasons To Add Cashew Milk To Your Diet Plan

This creamy and nutty-flavoured milk is delicious and offers several health benefits that make it a smart choice for your diet plan.

As the demand for plant-based milk alternatives continues to rise, cashew milk has become popular among health-conscious consumers. This creamy and nutty-flavoured milk is delicious and offers several health benefits that make it a smart choice for your diet plan. In this article, we have listed some significant health benefits of cashew milk.

Here are five reasons why cashew milk deserves to be a part of your diet plan:

  • Weight management

Making cashew milk a regular component of one’s diet is beneficial for those who struggle with their weight. According to studies, cashew milk helps in weight management rather than causing weight gain. Cashews contain roughly 46% fat but have other vital elements that prevent weight gain.

Because of the high fibre content, you may feel fuller and have fewer urges for unhealthy snacks and binge eating. Moreover, cashew milk contains a lot of plant-based protein, especially L-arginine, which increases vascular reactivity and circulation.

  • Good for bone health

Research has shown that high magnesium, potassium, and calcium levels in cashew milk can prevent bone demineralization. Cashew milk is an excellent bone-building substance due to the high levels of vitamin K present. A single serving of cashew milk can meet up to 12% of a person’s daily requirement for vitamin K.

Including cashew milk in your diet regularly can help prevent vitamin K deficiencies. Also, by promoting mineralization and maintaining bone density, Vitamin K works with other crucial nutrients like calcium to maintain healthy bones. Healthy bones are essential for overall wellness since it lowers the chance of bone fractures.

  • Boost Heart Health

This plant-based beverage is a good mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids source. You may reduce your risk of developing heart disease by substituting these fats with unhealthier ones.

Cashew milk also contains potassium and magnesium — two minerals that may promote heart health and prevent heart disease.

  • Vital for good eye health

As cashews have the antioxidants zeaxanthin and lutein, regularly consuming cashew milk can help prevent cellular damage brought on by free radicals in the eyes. According to research, low blood levels of zeaxanthin and lutein have been linked to poor retinal health.

According to other research, eating foods high in zeaxanthin and lutein can lessen the risk of macular degeneration (AMD), which can result in vision loss. Moreover, studies have shown that those with high blood levels of zeaxanthin and lutein are 40% less likely to develop progressive AMD. Eating lots of antioxidants can help reduce an older adult’s risk of developing cataracts.

  • Anticancer effects

The anti-tumour properties of cashew milk have been revealed through research. Anacardic acid, a potent antioxidant found in cashews, effectively shields the body against the detrimental effects of free radicals. These harmful particles can cause oxidative stress, which leads to cell mutation, DNA damage, and eventually cancerous growth. Consuming cashew-based products regularly has been shown to help prevent several types of cancer, including skin, colon, liver, prostate, and breast cancers.