Recipe For Cold Cucumber Tomato Mint Soup & Its Benefits

A cold cucumber tomato mint soup is a delectable and cooling remedy.

We frequently find ourselves looking for strategies to beat the heat and stay cool as the sweltering summer heat sets in. A cold cucumber tomato mint soup is a delectable and cooling remedy. This chilled soup has a plethora of health advantages in addition to a rush of flavour. In this post, we look at a straightforward recipe for this scrumptious summer soup and talk about its benefits for our health.

Recipe for Cold Cucumber Tomato Mint Soup


  • Peeled and roughly sliced two large cucumbers
  • 4 chopped medium-sized ripe tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup tightly packed fresh mint leaves
  • 1 small onion, diced finely
  • 2 minced garlic cloves
  • Olive oil, extra virgin, two tablespoons
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 tablespoons
  • pepper and salt as desired
  • Additional mint leaves and sliced cucumbers are optional garnishes.


  1. Cucumbers, tomatoes, mint leaves, onions, garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper should all be combined in a blender or food processor.
  2. Blend everything thoroughly until it’s smooth. Add a little water to change the consistency as needed.
  3. To allow the flavours to mingle, transfer the mixture to a bowl and place in the refrigerator for at least an hour.
  4. Give the soup a good stir before serving, then taste it to check the seasoning.
  5. Pour the chilled soup into bowls, top with a few mint leaves and cucumber slices, and serve.
  6. Serve chilled and savour the cool summer flavours!

Benefits of Cold Cucumber Tomato Mint Soup

In addition to delivering a delicious flavour explosion, chilled cucumber tomato mint soup has a number of health advantages. This cool soup is a useful addition to your summer cuisine because it can help with anything from weight management and skin regeneration to hydration and digestive assistance.

  • Hydration: This soup aids in keeping your body hydrated during the hot summer months because to its high water content. Both tomatoes and cucumbers are great providers of water, helping you meet your daily requirements.
  • Nutrient-Rich: Cucumbers and tomatoes are nutrient-rich foods that are loaded with important vitamins and minerals. Vitamins K, C, and B are present in cucumbers, while antioxidants like lycopene and vitamins A and C are abundant in tomatoes. These vitamins and minerals strengthen your immune system and advance general health.
  • Cooling and Refreshing: Mint leaves give the soup a cooling and revitalising quality. Because of its inherent cooling qualities, mint can help reduce body temperature and offer comfort from the heat.
  • Digestive Aid: Known for their high fibre content, tomatoes and cucumbers help with digestion and support a healthy digestive tract. Common summer digestive problems like bloating and constipation may be eased by this soup.
  • Weight management: Cold soups frequently have few calories and a lot of fibre, making them a filling yet nutritious choice for people trying to lose weight. This recipe’s blend of vegetables and mint leaves can make you feel satisfied while consuming fewer calories.
  • Skin Health: Cucumber and tomato’s antioxidant, vitamin, and water content can help to produce healthy, luminous skin. These components might lessen swelling, improve the skin’s appearance, or even soothe sunburns.