What Are The Health Benefits Of Olives?

Managing free radicals through purposeful antioxidant consumption is an important element of a healthy life, and olives are a wonderful method.

Sure, olives are tasty, crunchy, and enjoyable to eat. But did you realise they have a plethora of unexpected health benefits? 

Here are ten advantages of eating olives:

  • High-Antioxidant Food

Plastic deteriorates, paint fades, and art pieces disintegrate due to free radicals. They contribute to aging and illnesses such as strokes, tumors, and heart disease in humans. Free radicals are molecules in your body with unpaired electrons; they are looking for another electron and are highly reactive and harmful to neighboring molecules. Antioxidants are chemicals that can safely engage with free radicals, giving up some of their electrons and neutralising the free radical.

Olives are high in antioxidants. That means that every time you consume them, you send many good guys into your body to help those nasty guys relax. Managing free radicals through purposeful antioxidant consumption is an important element of a healthy life, and olives are a wonderful method.

  • A low-calorie count

One olive has just approximately 7 calories. They have a ‘negative calorie impact,’ meaning that you consume more calories digesting than you gain ingesting one. As a result, eating olives is a highly healthful snack.

  • Contain heart-healthy fat

The most abundant fatty acid in olive oil is oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat that accounts for 73% of the overall oil content. The residual fat level in olives is 11% polyunsaturated and 15% saturated fat. The monounsaturated fat in olives is the same healthy fat in almonds and avocados. The monounsaturated fat in the meal raises healthy cholesterol.

  • Type of “smart drug” found in nature

Polyphenols, a natural substance found in olives, help to lower oxidative strain in the brain. A 2013 research in mice found that olive polyphenol supplementation raises protein concentrations (neurotrophins), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and nerve growth factor. These two factors are essential for brain cellular metabolism, formation, and maintenance.

  • Aid with Appetite Suppression

You may curb your hunger by consuming just a few olives before or during a meal. This is due to the monounsaturated fatty acids in healthy olives delaying digestion and increasing the enzyme cholecystokinin, which transmits fullness and pleasure signals to the brain.

  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Inflammation is thought to be the fundamental cause of many diseases; therefore, avoiding inflammatory meals and substituting them with anti-inflammatory meals is an essential first step for anybody embarking on a health journey!

Olives include oleocanthal, an anti-inflammatory chemical that prevents the development of inflammatory molecules that can contribute to disorders including arthritis and type II diabetes. The potent anti-inflammatory characteristics of oleocanthal parallel the activities of ibuprofen, which functions as a biological painkiller.

  •  Cancer-Preventing Abilities

Prolonged oxidative load and chronic inflammation can be essential components in cancer formation, and if our systems get overwhelmed by them, our chance of developing cell cancer increases. Olives can help us avoid this toxic mix of chronic oxidative load and chronic inflammation by supplying us with abundant antioxidants and anti-inflammatory minerals.