Agriculture What Are The Benefits of Fox Nuts Or Makhana?

What Are The Benefits of Fox Nuts Or Makhana?

Makhana is a high-value freshwater cash crop that is a popular Indian snack. It flourishes in perpetually stagnant pools of water. Makhana has been usually employed in traditional eastern medicine to treat various ailments, including excessive leucorrhea, renal difficulties, persistent diarrhoea, and splenic hypofunction. Furthermore, because of its high medical value and mineral richness, it is quickly becoming a global superfood.

Makhanas are abundant in minerals, including potassium, protein, thiamine, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus. Furthermore, both uncooked and fried Makhana is high in essential amino acids. Slightly roasted makhanas are an excellent teatime snack and tiffin choice for youngsters. In India, Makhanas produce foods such as raita, kheer, cutlets, and curries.

Makhanas are commonly used in religious rites and as a sacrifice to God. The diversity in intake and consumption of makhanas is apparent as one travels around the country. The seed, for instance, is eaten in the blown form in north Bihar, but the stems and branches of the Makhana are prepared and served in vegetable curry in Manipur.

Makhanas are offered in a variety of qualities on the market. The overall size of the lava affects the delicacy of the Makhana. After cleaning, Makhana is classified into three grades: Lawa or Rasgulla, or Samundha, Murra and Thurri. Makhanas are famous for keeping a healthy lifestyle due to their health advantages and nutritional content.

Makhana’s Origin

Bihar is the most prolific provider of makhanas in India. Makhanas come from lotus flowers. Lotus produces seed pods containing roughly 20 seeds that ripen in 40 days. The seeds are then dried and charred at high heat. The exterior black shell splits, revealing the white puffs. These seeds are referred to as makhanas.

Makhanas nutritional information

Makhanas are abundant in fibre, which helps with healthy digestion. It also has potassium, which helps with cholesterol regulation and cardiovascular health. Despite their small size, fox nuts are a nutritious powerhouse. Snacking on them may give you various health benefits, including perfect skin, weight management, enhanced cardiorespiratory fitness, endocrine system, and so on.

Makhana includes the following nutrients in 100 grammes:

350 calories

  • 76.9gm carbohydrate
    • 14.5gm fibre
  • 10 gm protein
  • 0.1gm fat
    • 0.1gm total lipids (fats)
  • 70mg calcium
  • 1.4mg iron

Mentioned below are the health benefits of Makhana

  • Keeps kidneys healthy

Makhana protects the kidneys by limiting blood flow and maintaining urine. They cleanse and purify the spleen. It aids in the removal of impurities from the body.

  • High in minerals

Makhana is high in minerals such as magnesium, calcium, protein, and carbs. Fox nuts are also low in salt and fat, which helps to manage blood pressure.

  • Liver Detoxification

Our liver cleanses our bodies by removing all waste. Makhanas promote healthy liver function and metabolism.

  • Beneficial for Diabetic Patients

Makhana aids in blood sugar regulation. They have lean protein and glycemic indices, which assist diabetes people in keeping their blood sugar levels stable.

  • Strengthens bones

Makhana has a lot of calcium. Calcium promotes bone and tissue health, moisturises bones and joints, and protects against degenerative bone disorders. Consume fox nuts with milk regularly to increase your bone health and density.

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