Twitter has introduced a feature of checking your tweets archive. I would say I was waiting for this for so long. I am happy that finally I will be able to see what I tweeted way back in 2009 when I joined Twitter. Now why this is important to me. It is going to let me analyse whether I made sense that time on Twitter or I do now. Believe me, once you read through your tweets it would be like going down the memory lane.  How you interacted with people, how you made friends here, how you tweeted and trended topics all this and more is guaranteed once you get your tweet archive.
Twitter has rolled this out for some of the users and this will be functional in due course of time for all. You need to go to the Settings in your profile, scroll down and if you have the download  archive button there that means you can use the feature. Download the zipped folder, unzip it and check your tweets using the archive browser within the folder. For more details do go through the Read Me document. In the browser you will be able to see tweets neatly arranged according to the months and years and there is a graph on the right panel which shows the amount of tweets you did.
Twitter warns you at the onset to share the tweets at your own discretion as it can contain sensitive data. Of course you would think if I have tweeted this before why should I be worried now but that time the tweets were lost in the randomness and even you did not have the patience to look through your tweets. Now when you will have everything neatly arranged anyone who has an access to this can know many things about you. So be careful where you keep this folder.
Tweets archive will also help us to analyze our tweet patterns. Are we going the right way, is there a dramatic change in the way we tweeted earlier and now or we have remained the same? Was there more substance earlier or there is less fluff now all this is going to help you if of course you want to strengthen your Twitter profile and make it more attractive. Most importantly, this will have the same  feel as you will have when you read your diary after a long time.The only thing is in this case you hardly remember what you wrote and that is why it is going to be more enchanting. Try it now.