Top Surfing Destinations in India – Join the Ride

2. Alwars (Also Known as Manapad Point), Tamil Nadu


Alwars, Tamil Nadu

Today whatever it is, it is due to the result of millions of years of the lava flow that extended into the water. The waves here can rise as high as 400 metres! The tides are at their full glory in the period of autumn and winter. And, on the top of that, this place is relatively unknown, so lots of exploring and discovering are on the cards. Plus, no matter at what stage of surfing you are, this place is right for anyone. Lots of south winds flow here, which are a clear-cut recipe for some howl-worthy waves. There is a reason it is considered the best surfing spot in India. Off the beaten track, check. Full of waves, check. Uncrowded, check. On your surfing destination list? Well, you tell us.