This page gives you information about Restaurants in Bhubaneshwar that serving varieties of mouth watering cuisines at the best budget to their guests.
Most of the Shimla restaurants are renowned for serving special Orissan food to bait your taste buds.
South Indian, Continental, Indian and Chinese dishes are other popular item served in restaurants.
Bhubaneshwar receives a number of international and domestic tourists, so the restaurants in Bhubaneshwar offer a variety of mouth watering cuisines to its guests.
You can get a wide range of regional as well as international dishes in the Restaurants in Bhubaneshwar that are inside the reputed hotel premises.
Almost all the restaurants in Bhubaneshwar are offer cost effective quality food served in comfortable atmosphere.
You can enjoy lavish breakfast and dinner buffets in reputed restaurants of the the temple city. Here is a list of some of the renowned Restaurants in Bhubaneshwar.
Khandgiri Sqr Bhubaneswar
Phone: 0674-2534920
2. Sri Kunj Restaurant
Rajmahal Square Bhubaneswar-751009
Phone: 0674-2532093
3. Woodlands Restaurants
368 Sahid Ngr Bhubaneswar
Phone: 0674-2512957
4. Kharvela Hotel And Restaurant
10 Kvl.Nagar.U-4 Bhubaneswar
Phone: 0674-2400389
5. Pathik Restaurants
Plot-361 saheednagar rupalisquare
Phone: 9437073403
6. Mayura Gardens
122-A, Station Square Hotel Richi Complex,
Phone: 0674- 2534920
7. Ayeena Restaurant
225 Bapuji Nagar Bhubaneswar
Phone: 0674-2533084
8. Barabati Restaurant
20 Kvl.Ngr. Bhubaneswar
Phone: 0674-2425111
9. Cooks Restaurant
Main Market Building Bapujinagar,
Phone: 0674-2530025
10. Exclusive Swosti Restaurant
Hotel Swosti 103, Janpath, Bhubaneshwar
Phone: 0674 - 2518253, 2518260, 2504178
Last Updated on 27 July 2012