Chittaurgarh Demographics

Chittaurgarh demographics includes the total population of the city, the literacy rate as well the language spoken by the local people.

Chittaurgarh Population

According to the census of India conducted in the year 2001, Chittaurgarh Population stands at 96,028. The population is dominated by the male populace that comprises 52 percent of the total population in Chittaurgarh. 48 percent of the population comprises of females. 15 percent of the population comprises of children below the age of 6. The literacy rate of the city stands at 59.5 percent, which is at par with the national average rate of 59.5 percent. A study of the demography of Chittaurgarh reveals that the male literacy level is more than the female literacy rate. The male literacy rate stands at 78 percent while the female literacy rate stands at 61 percent.

Chittaurgarh People

The Chittaurgarh people speak in Rajasthani, Marwari, Hindi and English. The people of the city are extremely amiable and hospitable to the visitors of their city.

Last Updated on 9/13/2011