Population of Himachal Pradesh

The northern state of India, Himachal Pradesh is a favorite tourist spot in India. The Population of Himachal Pradesh is 6,077,248 out of which the number of males is 3,085,256 and the number of females in the total population of the state according to the 2001 census is 2,991,992. For several years, the communities of Himachal Pradesh have intermingled to form a peaceful territory.

From time immemorial, different races, communities and people from various places of the country had come and settled in this state. Thus the Population of Himachal is culturally rich and diverse at the same time. The communities residing in the Himachal region are very cordial people and they maintain a very well knit society. A very strong fellow feeling works in these simple people.

The People of Himachal Pradesh are simple and fun loving. They participate in communal gatherings, arrange gatherings in the occasion of festivals and marriage. They love to song and dance and make merriment during such gatherings. The people also love to wear colorful clothes for these joyous occasions.

Most of the men among the Population of Himachal earn their livelihood through agriculture. But the lands are owned by the upper classes in the society. There is a strong caste and class division prevalent in the society but it is gradually losing importance as people of one caste are moving to different professions. The Rajputs are the majority in the total Population of Himachal. The Brahmins and the Ghirats also occupy important position in the society.

Last Updated on : 26 March 2012