Schools in Mangalore provide education from primary to secondary level. The schools at Mangalore aim to provide quality education. To achieve this objective they appoint qualified and experienced teaching staff.
The Mangalore schools can be classified into three groups - lower primary, higher primary and high school. At present, the lower primary school comprises of classes from 1 to 5, higher primary consists of classes from 6 to 8 and the high school is constituted of classes 9 and 10.
The schools around Mangalore operate under the guidance of the department headed by Commissioner of Public Instruction. They are affiliated to any of the following three boards of education for the secondary and higher secondary examinations:
- Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi (ICSE)
- Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi (CBSE)
- Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board
Following is a list of some of the most popular schools in Mangalore:
Bunts Hostel Road, Mangalore
Kotekar, Mangalore
Bendoor, Mangalore
Last Updated on 21 September 2011