What is the meaning of the Isotonic method and it is used for developing which ability.

CBSE Sample Question Paper, Class 12 BIOLOGY Term 2 Question - What is the meaning of the Isotonic method and it is used for developing which ability.

What is the meaning of the Isotonic method and it is used for developing which ability.

Isotonic methodIsotonic exercises were introduced by De Lorene in 1954. This term comes from
the Greek word ‘iso’ which means ‘same or equal’ maintaining equal (muscle) tone or tension’. In this one muscle group contracts the opposite relaxes during which the muscle changes its length. These are those exercises in which directmovements are visible to the 3rd person. In this case, personal muscular efforts are evidenced by visible movements. In isotonic exercises rapid movements are
accomplished by reflex alteration of contraction and relaxation of antagonistic flexors and extensors of the joints concerned. Type of contraction where we notice the movements of objects is called isotonic contraction e.g. doing exercise with light weight or dumbbells etc. Most of the exercises fall under this category Used to develop Strength.