When F1 plants were self – pollinated, a total of 800 plants were produced. How many of these would be tall, medium height or short plants? Give the genotype of F 2 generation.

CBSE Sample Question Paper, Class 10 Science Term 2 Question 1 - (When F1 plants were self - pollinated, a total of 800 plants were produced. How many of these would be tall, medium height or short plants? Give the genotype of F 2 generation.)

14 Sahil performed an experiment to study the inheritance pattern of genes. He crossed tall pea plants (TT) with short pea plants (tt) and obtained all tall plants in F1 generation.

c. When F1 plants were self – pollinated, a total of 800 plants were produced. How many of these would be tall, medium height or short plants? Give the genotype of F 2 generation.

Ans: c. Out of 800 plants 600 plants will be tall and 200 plants will be small, 1 TT: 2Tt: 1tt