How to keep our bones healthy during winter season?

As soon as the cold weather comes, the era of protection from diseases also starts. Especially the elderly are seen struggling more with these problems in this season.

Know why the problem of bone pain has increased in centuries and how to ensure its prevention:

  • Take care of bone health in winter

 In the winter season, the problem of bone and joint pain also begins. Many people distance themselves from an active lifestyle, due to which there is an increase in joint problems. Especially keeping in mind, bone health, nutrition and exercise should be given priority. Take the right amount of vitamins. Eat the right amount of calcium for better bone health. Also, ensure the proper amount of Vitamin C in the diet, regular 20 minutes of sun exposure for Vitamin D, any physical activity or exercise, etc. Vitamin C and D have an essential role in absorbing calcium. Take a supplement after getting tested for proper intake of Vitamin D. A balanced diet instead of eating junk food, excessive fried roast etc.  

  • Special care for women

Due to menopause and other problems, you may have to face more bone and joint pain. During menopause, due to the decrease in estrogen hormone, the amount of calcium gets affected. Joint pain is a problem in many people, and it can be further aggravated in cold weather. Therefore, women should pay more attention to themselves in the cold season and ensure proper nutrition.

  • Exercise regularly maintain physical activity

Often due to a passive mood during winters, many people distance themselves from exercise etc., which is not proper. Instead, exercise for at least 20 minutes a day as per your physical capacity and expert’s advice.  

  • Antioxidants

These are found in abundance in green tea, apples, berries, pomegranates, oranges and cabbage, broccoli, mushrooms etc. Apart from this, turmeric and ginger are also good sources of this. The use of these spices in food and beverages is very beneficial for health.  

  • Try to keep the joints warm Ensure proper protection of the body from the cold, especially the elderly must wear gloves and socks, as there is a risk of feeling tightness in the small joints of the body early.  
  • Proper nutrition

Avoid sugar, fructose-rich foods like cold drinks, sweets, chocolates, eating gluten-rich foods such as wheat, rye and barley. Instead, include beans, legumes like soya, red beans and kidney beans in your diet. They are rich in magnesium, folic acid, iron, zinc, potassium and protein. 

  • Distance from cold air

Avoid direct exposure to cold air. It can be fatal to the bones and the disease and can increase the pain. Besides, if you are already suffering from any bone disease, take medicines regularly and decide your lifestyle according to the doctor’s advice. Take extra care of children and elders in this context. 

  • Omega-3

It is a good companion as Omega-3 fatty acid intake reduces inflammation of the joints. It is found in avocado, linseed seeds, chia seeds, walnuts and fish.