Why You Don’t Feel Hungry In The Morning?

Not feeling hungry in morning

Ever since we were kids, we’re taught the importance of breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day and shouldn’t be skipped at any cost.

“Eat your breakfast like a king” is a phrase we’re all familiar with, yet there are days when we wake up and do not feel hungry at all.

Some people find it quite challenging to have a large healthy meal first thing in the morning. Although science emphasizes the need for a balanced breakfast, there could be perfectly normal reasons behind you not wanting to eat breakfast. Therefore, not feeling like eating a filling breakfast early on the day is not necessarily a sign of a severe issue or concern.

Here are five reasons you might not feel hungry in the morning:

• A late-night snack/ large dinner

If you consume a meal high in fat content or proteins, it is more than likely for your body to feel fuller longer than usual. It is because macronutrients such as fats or proteins take a long time to break down; hence your body’s stomach needs more time to form an appetite again.

A late-night snack or dinner is one of the most common reasons for not feeling hungry the following day.

• Hormonal imbalance

Studies have shown a spike in adrenaline early in the morning for some individuals. During sleep, our body’s hormones fluctuate. Adrenaline slows down the rate at which our stomach works and could make you feel full even when you’re supposed to be hungry.

• Dealing with anxiety or depression

Depression or feelings of despair disturb our hunger levels. Everybody reacts to stress differently. Some people turn to stress eating, which means they consume more food and feel hungry faster when they’re stressed. On the other hand, people with high amounts of stress feel decreased appetite and hunger.

• When someone is sick

Being down with the cold or flu can make a person lose their sense of smell and taste. In such cases, people tend not to feel hungry or avoid food in the mornings. Feeling nauseous can also decrease a person’s appetite. For people down with a cold, it is advisable to drink hot meals such as soups and ‘kadhas’; they help open your appetite and feel easy to digest.

• Medication 

Certain medicines can completely disrupt a person’s dietary habits and schedule. If you’re on any long-term medication or treatment, it is pretty normal to see a change in your eating habits and schedule. However, it isn’t an alarming factor, and in the beginning, if the feeling persists, you should contact your doctor and consider a change of medication.

Many people also have to skip breakfast due to their hectic work schedules; this soon turns into a habit of not feeling hungry in the mornings. Skipping breakfast is not a good habit and should be avoided if possible. For people who don’t feel too hungry early in the morning, it is better to eat something light like yogurt with fruits or a vegetable-packed smoothie that will give you the essential nutrients and not feel heavy on the stomach.