6 Major Movements Led by Mahatma Gandhi

5. Quit India Movement (1942)

Quit India movement or Bharat Chodo Aandolan was launched by Mahatma Gandhi on 8th August 1942 during the second world war in order to drive British rule out of India. The India Congress Committee, under the insistence of Gandhi, demanded a mass British withdrawal from India and Gandhi delivered a “Do or Die” speech. As a consequence, the entire members of the Indian National Congress were immediately arrested by the British officials and imprisoned without trial. But the demonstrations and protests continued across the country. Even though the Britishers were somehow successful in suppressing the Quit India Movement but soon realized that their days of the rule in India were over. By the end of the World War II, they made clear indications of handing over the powers to India. Eventually, Gandhi called off the movement resulting in the release of thousands of prisoners.