Taki, located in West Bengal, India, is a unique destination due to its location on the banks of the Ichchamati River, which forms the international border between India and Bangladesh. The image you described showcases the picturesque surroundings, including the river, green fields, village life, and the small-town setting. The experience of sailing on the Ichchamati River near the international border can be overwhelming and mesmerizing.
Taki offers a glimpse into rural life, with its serene atmosphere, thatched huts, and the simplicity of the local people, which can touch your heart. However, you also mention being surprised by the behavior of some village children asking for money, supported by their parents. This might raise questions about the level of development and disparity in the region.
The presence of the border security forces can be a thought-provoking sight, as it highlights the division between two nations. The fact that the river serves as a natural border, with two countries on its banks, adds to the uniqueness of the place. It can evoke mixed emotions, including sadness and reflection on the impact of borders and the barriers they create between people.
The song lyrics you mentioned, “Panchhi, nadiya, pawan ke jhonke, koi sarhad na inhe roke, sarhadein insaano ke liye hain, kya paya humne insaan hoke” (Birds, rivers, and the gusts of wind, no border can stop them, borders are for humans, what have we gained by being humans), are appropriate for the moment you experienced. They emphasize the overpowering nature of borders and the contemplation it can evoke.
It’s natural to feel a mix of emotions and confusion when encountering such contrasting aspects of a place. Taki’s unique location, coupled with the complexities of rural life, border security, and international divisions, can create a thought-provoking and introspective travel experience.
Related Information: India Bangladesh Map | West Bengal | How to reach West Bengal