The World Health Organization has ranked Delhi as the most polluted city for air pollution in the world. It surveyed 1,600 cities and released a report stating that air pollution is putting residents at the risk of cancer, heart-disease and stroke. Though India has rejected the findings it cannot be neglected altogether. Poisonous particulates are certainly being added in the air by growing traffic and industries. Among all, growing number of vehicles is the major cause of air pollution in Delhi.
As per the Delhi Economic Survey, vehicular pollution rose by 135.59 percent between 1999-2000 and 2011-12. In 2011-12 it decreased marginally from 7.44 percent in 2010-11 to 7.27 percent. Major air pollutants are carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, benzene that directly impact human health and cause respiratory diseases, irritation in eyes, nose and throat, cardiovascular diseases and many more. Mostly the old vehicles that are not serviced regularly pollute the air more. Some
Air pollution is caused by vehicles
Government study findings also reveal that three quarters of the total air pollution is contributed by vehicles. Undoubtedly, the Government must intervene and take wise steps to control the problem of growing air pollution in Delhi otherwise it may lead to more complicated problems.
Although, the Government has taken some steps to control the problem of vehicular pollution in Delhi. The National Green Tribunal has ordered to scrap the vehicles that are more than 15 years old. Delhi is estimated to have 82 lakh vehicles and out of these 29 lakh vehicles are unusable. Auto industry has welcomed the move as such decisions give space to new, fuel efficient and modern vehicles. For a long time the auto industry has been asking for an ‘end-of-life’ policy for older vehicles. Their ‘yes’ is obvious because they will get more business.
No authorized scrapyard
The order will impact lakhs of motorbikes, trucks, cars and auto-rickshaws. The decision looks absolutely right from the pollution point of view but not from all angles. The Capital at present does not have any authorized scrapyard. So where will these 29 lakh vehicles go if not allowed to use? Will these be sold in other cities? If yes, then we are just thinking about Delhi not India. The Government must find out ways to scrap these vehicles rather than allowing their sales in another city.
Concerned authorities are also not giving any kind of incentive to abandon these vehicles. Hence if 15 years ago you had invested your hard earned money to buy a car for you, it will stand good for nothing today.
Then what about the old but well-maintained vehicles that do not add to air pollution? It is recommended that the Government must adopt foolproof measures to test vehicles for different pollution levels. Road tax should be according to the age of the vehicles which means you have to pay more for the ageing vehicle. Such things will automatically discourage the person to keep old vehicles and these will be discarded regularly rather than in one go.
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Pollution in Delhi: Industrial Units Choking Residential Areas
Pollution in Delhi after Diwali Celebration
Vehicular Pollution in Delhi and Its Impact on Lotus Temple
Plastic Pollution: A Threat to Ecosystem
Air pollution in India
Pollution in Delhi
River Pollution in India
Pollution Control in India