India Society Blogs Myths that are part of Indian life

Myths that are part of Indian life

Which came first – religion or days of the week? Why different days are associated with different customs as per religion and we are prohibited certain things. For example, as per Hindu religion, eating non veg on Tuesdays and Thursdays is prohibited. Similarly, it is believed that one should not wash their hair or clothes on a Thursday. Some days a better for fasting and others are not. Saturday is not a good day for buying iron, shopping or starting anything new. Then there are certain acts that display superstitions, like waiting for a few minutes if a black cat has crossed your path, hanging a small piece of iron on the entrance of your home and the list of these myths is endless. If every day, minute and second is created by God, then why is it that one day is considered better than the other? Why doing good or bad on certain days is permissible and doing the same on any other day is not allowed? Above all this, why is God interested in all these things related to days and rituals? He is above all these, a supreme power who commands us and every other living and non living being in this universe.

Many myths and superstitions have been associated in India and have been passed on from one generation to another and are being followed blindly. Also, there are variations in these across region, religion and community. But whenever I came across any such myth my questions is always “why”? Why are we expected to do certain things and what is the logic behind it? The only logic that I have understood so far behind not doing a certain task on a specific day is to give ourselves rest.

Then there is a myth, according to which one should not sweep the floor after sunset.The reason behind this is that earlier there was no electricity in villages and while sweeping the floor after sunset there were chances that one might sweep out something important.

Girls are not allowed to touch pickle during menstruation as it can damage the pickle. Our entire body and its functions are the game of hormones, so it is possible that during that time certain hormones in your body are not fit for sour things. But just to check I tried this and the pickle was absolutely fine after that.

Black  is used to keep away the evil eye. Because of this belief you may have seen a black paranda hanging behind trucks or cars, black kajal dot on the forehead of infants, black thread around wrist, façade of building with a black face and so on.

There are many myths which are part of daily life in India. But days were not created by myths. If we look into the concept of seven days in a week then it was started by the Babylonian and Jewish civilizations as they used to celebrate a holy day after every seven days. The first day of week used to start with a full moon and so the last week of the month was adjusted in such a manner to start the new month with a full moon. The day of their celebration was the holy day of rest. This means it was nothing else but they wanted to take rest after the hectic six days work.

In Hinduism, probably it was the Vedic Period when the concept of seven days of a week started, but there is no conclusive evidences of the same.

When and how along with the development of society these myths and superstitions came into picture is not clear, but they were associated with the logic of that time. We must not follow these blindly as God can in no way be associated with these. Instead of all these superstitions and myths, always thank Him for what he has blessed you with.


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