From The Front Seat – Part 1

Comfort and Commute
This is India, My Dear
Comfort and Commute
Oh This is India My Dear

Travelling on India’s National Highways is an enriching experience. The devil of course lies in the detail, it all depends on how much you want to absorb about what all is happening around you. There is a story being told and folded up every minute, it all depends whether you can decrypt that story in that one or two minutes you get. This is how I decrypted this story:

  • Picture in this BMW is all about – I want this, I want that and I want everything else around both of these. This Gentleman just didn’t go ahead and buy a BMW 5 series, he also bought a number which began with 5. CC and CD are two extensions usually used in the centre by diplomatic cars, this gentleman wanted a CC or a CD for him too. Of course it doesn’t matter that the number plate is not blue. He is important, he wants his importance to be amply reflected by his road presence.
  • If you see a truck like this on a National Highway in Punjab, chances are that it would be headed towards Darbar Sahib (Golden Temple) at Amritsar. These trucks are usually filled with extended families or group of  farmers from the same village. There is a lot of joy, happiness and fun. I haven’t seen a tense soul sitting in a truck like this. Occupants of this truck are thankful for what they have got, a good crop.

My India exists like this, contrasts coexist seamlessly. Disparities are there, but they don’t make much difference on day to day basis. Life goes on for “the gentleman” and for ‘the masses.” It would always be impossible to judge who is more happy with what they have got. This is India, this is My Dear India.

For more related information, you may refer to the following:

Punjab Road Map

About Punjab

Punjab Culture

National Highways in India