4. Sulabh International Museum of Toilets, New Delhi
At first, it may look awkward to plan a visit to seeing just toilets, but in the end, you’ll see how enlightening it can be. Not to forget the entertaining part! And, the museum is also in that ride. You’ll find a section of humorous cartoon and all sorts of jokes on the toilet. You can even read the poetry on toilets, too, here.
And, when it comes the time to see the real toilets, as much as wacky it sounds, but you can have the best day of the week. From gold & silver toilets used by the Roman emperors to today’s sophisticated toilets (some of them which can even convert urine to potable water) are all on exhibit. There are also uncanny and creative toilets like the one which is camouflaged as a bookcase and then there are ornate Victorian toilet seats. The whole museum is itself a timeline showing the history of toilets and their evolution throughout the world since 2500 BC to date. You’ll be amazed to see what toilet etiquettes and the related social customs were existing in the earlier times. The extras like toiletries, toilet furniture, bidets, privies, water closets, and chamber pots from the yester-era will keep you hooked for the whole day.
Spending time in rooms filled with toilets isn’t all that bad. Give it a try.